Should I Fix Up My House or Sell It As-Is?

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If you’re standing at the crossroads of deciding whether to invest in repairs for your house or sell it “as-is”, you’re not alone. Many homeowners face this dilemma. While the decision heavily relies on your personal circumstances, let’s explore deep into the pros, cons, and what experts have to say about it.

The DIY Approach to Repairs

Can You Handle the Repairs Yourself?

For those fortunate enough to have the means and know-how to conduct repairs themselves, this can be an economically advantageous route. More often than not, you stand to make a better return on investment when the house is in prime condition. However, a significant portion of homeowners, especially the average American family, might neither have the time nor the money to embark on this journey.

Costly Repairs

It’s essential to bear in mind that not all repairs come with the same price tag. Some can drain your bank account substantially. For many, taking on these high-cost repairs isn’t just about the money but also the sheer scale and complexity of the tasks involved.

Selling As-Is: The Pros and Cons

Advantages of Selling As-Is

  1. Immediate Cost Savings: Selling your house in its current state means you aren’t spending upfront on repairs.
  2. Time-Saving: You skip the hassle of managing crews, sourcing materials, and overseeing renovations.
  3. Swift Transactions: Especially if you’re dealing with cash buyers, you can have your house off your hands within a week, giving you the freedom to move on faster.

Disadvantages of Selling As-Is

  1. Potential Loss in Profit: One major downside is the possibility of leaving money on the table. If you’re a hands-on individual with the means to fix up the house, selling as-is might result in a lower return.
  2. Attracting Investors Over Families: Many buyers looking for “as-is” properties are investors aiming to renovate and resell or rent out the house. This could potentially limit your buyer pool.
  3. Dependent on the Extent of Repairs: If your house requires extensive repairs, the value could significantly decrease. This drop in potential resale value can be a hard pill to swallow for homeowners.

To Repair or Not to Repair: What’s the Expert Advice?

The fundamental question remains: Should you fix up your house or sell it as-is? For many, the answer lies in a balanced approach. It’s advisable to undertake repairs that make sense and are within your budget. The objective is to ensure that the house is in a sellable condition without causing undue financial strain.

It’s also prudent to seek the counsel of professionals in the field. They can offer insights into the kind of repairs that would make a difference in your house’s market value, helping you discern if the investment of time and money would be worth the potential returns.


Deciding whether to fix up your house or sell it as-is isn’t black and white. Both routes come with their sets of advantages and drawbacks. While taking the DIY route can be more rewarding financially, it demands significant time and effort. On the other hand, selling as-is can be a quick solution but might not be the most profitable.

In the end, the choice depends on your personal circumstances, financial situation, and long-term goals. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert advice tailored to your needs.